Infogroup integrates data with Adobe’s audience system

Infogroup, the big data and marketing company, announced during Adobe Summit 2018 that it has integrated its leading consumer and business data into Adobe Audience Marketplace, which can be leveraged in Adobe Cloud Platform.

The integration will provide a rich and accurate source of data on consumers, businesses, and business executives. It also will give Adobe users access to data hygiene and data enhancement, so they can create more complete and accurate customer profiles. This data offering will seamlessly improve users’ prospecting and customer engagement.

“We recognize the power of Adobe, and we’re happy to collaborate with them to provide marketers with complete customer profiles,” said Michael Iaccarino, chairman and CEO of Infogroup. “We believe integrating our data into Adobe’s technology is a winning formula for marketing and sales professionals.”

Adobe customers can access Infogroup’s consumer and business datasets in the Adobe Audience Marketplace. The data can then be used for their marketing needs, or they can run their own datasets through Infogroup to be cleaned up and enhanced. Infogroup’s data is the trusted source used to power top internet and corporate marketing initiatives across North America.

The data is comprised of 280 million consumers and 24 million businesses in the U.S. It also includes 14 million consumers and 1 million businesses in Canada. Infogroup also has comprehensive profiles of over 60 million business executives tied to their residential information available through their ExecuReach database.

“We’re excited to have Infogroup in the Adobe Exchange partner program,” said Cody Crnkovich, head of platform partners and strategy, Adobe. “We believe their consumer and business data empowers users with stronger marketing solutions

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Infogroup is a leading provider of data and data-driven marketing solutions. Infogroup provides data, technology, and services that help marketers acquire new customers and maximize the value of existing relationships. The company’s data and marketing solutions help clients of all sizes, from local SMBs to FORTUNE 100™ enterprises, increase sales and customer loyalty. Infogroup provides both digital and traditional marketing channel expertise that is enhanced by access to our proprietary data on 280 million individuals and 24 million businesses.

Adobe Experience Cloud is a comprehensive set of cloud services designed to give enterprises everything needed to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Comprised of Adobe Marketing Cloud, Adobe Advertising Cloud and Adobe Analytics Cloud, Experience Cloud is built on the Adobe Cloud Platform and integrated with Adobe Creative Cloud and Document Cloud. Leveraging Adobe Sensei’s machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities, Adobe Experience Cloud combines world-class solutions, a complete extensive platform, comprehensive data and content systems, and a robust partner ecosystem that offer an unmatched expertise in experience delivery.

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