Arora will continue to lead as Government invests in renewed and modernized Statistics Canada
OTTAWA–Today, the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, announced the reappointment of Anil Arora as Chief Statistician of Canada.
The appointment is for a term of five years, effective immediately. It was made following an open, transparent and merit-based selection process. He was first appointed Chief Statistician in September 2016.
Mr. Arora has spent over 23 years at Statistics Canada leading several high-profile initiatives, including systems that today provide Canadians interactive online access to data and publications, as well as developing and implementing the current Census methodology that allows Canadians to complete their questionnaire securely and online
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He has played an active role internationally over his career, working extensively with the United Nations, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, as well as having led the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities.
The reappointment comes at an important time, notably as the Government invests in a renewed and modernized Statistics Canada. Budget 2018 included a number of measures to ensure the agency continues to respond to data needs of the 21st century.
“As the digital transformation has swept across the globe, our economy has become increasingly data-driven. Statistics Canada provides accurate, reliable and impartial information upon which businesses and Canadians can make evidence-based decisions. I am confident Mr. Arora will continue to succeed in leading our national statistical agency,” said Bains.
“It is an honour for me to be appointed the Chief Statistician of a world-leading statistical agency. We are a dedicated team of experts, committed to providing Canadians with high-quality data and insights they trust for important decision making. It is especially exciting for me to lead innovative change at the agency during a time when our society and economy are generating data like never before and, at the same time, looking to us for factual evidence and competent data stewardship,” added Arora.
Statistics Canada produces statistics that help Canadians better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society and culture. The Statistics Act was amended in 2017 to give the Chief Statistician authority for decisions on statistical matters and to increase government transparency.
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