AMSTERDAM –Today Eclipse Videomanagement proudly announces the introduction of the Video Maturity Model:

The Video Maturity Model is the most comprehensive tool available to assess the use of video in medium and larger organizations. Video Maturity means nothing more and nothing less than being able to control video as an instrument. Organizations that are video mature, will communicate more effectively, sell more and have more loyal stakeholders, clients and staff.

The Video Maturity Model zooms in on eight different aspects around the use of video: the identification of content needs of different audiences; the production and the relationship with producers of video; the publication of video; performance measuring; strategy and tactics; the allocation of resources; Videomanagement (the people) and the processes around video

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The assessment contains about 60 serious questions. At the end of the assessment users get their score, insights on their performance on the eight individual aspects of video maturity plus they can compare themselves to benchmark data of other organizations.

Organizations that do not score very high get a free report with advice on how to improve these aspects. The report zooms in on the given answers and includes an action plan-template that is optimized for Video Maturity.

The Video Maturity Model has been developed under the supervision of Thijs Viguurs, principal consultant at Eclipse Videomanagement Consultants. “The importance of video for corporate organizations is not a point of discussion anymore in boardrooms, but if we look at the approach we see that many organizations and teams still play around instead of approaching video professionally. That’s why we created The Video Maturity Model.” says Thijs.

The Video Maturity Model can be used totally free.

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