Update includes new editions of PRIZM5, ENVISION5 and DemoStats
PRESS RELEASE: TORONTO – Environics Analytics (EA) today announced the 2016 update of its suite of marketing analytics products, including PRIZM5 and ENVISION5, as well as databases on demographic, financial, media and lifestyle preferences
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. The annual release provides users with the most comprehensive and up-to-date set of marketing-related data and software available in Canada.
The update covers more than two dozen databases, including DemoStats, the wide-ranging demographic database that offers statistics for 2016 and projections for 2019, 2021 and 2026. In addition, the release includes the latest edition of PRIZM5, the popular segmentation system that classifies Canadians into 68 lifestyle types to help businesses engage their customers. All the new data can be accessed using EA’s business intelligence platform, ENVISION5, which has been enhanced with increased functionality—more advanced mapping, reporting and display features—and improved ease of use.
As with all its products and services, the 2016 update reflects EA’s longstanding commitment to disseminate the most reliable and up-to-date statistics available to companies, government agencies and not-for-profits. The just-released databases provide users with access to more than 20,000 variables across a wide range of topics, including media usage, marketplace behaviour, leisure activities and finances. The information helps organizations make informed decisions when marketing to customers, forecasting new trade areas, selecting retail sites, analyzing population and household trends, and developing media plans.
“Updating our extensive databases requires us to combine best methods from many disciplines—statistics, machine learning, economics, optimization, microsimulation and quantitative geography,” says Jan Kestle, President and Founder of EA. “We use nearly 60 data sources to create these data products so our customers can be certain that their business decisions are based on the most reliable information available.”
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