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Driven by the instant gratification of mobile, social media and search engines, as well as today’s omnichannel retail strategies, consumers of every age group today are desiring the ability to obtain customer service queries on-demand, at their own leisure, rather than opting for traditional customer service channels such as call centers. What’s more, consumers seek a more personalized customer experience from their favorite brands, and this includes everything from shopping to point-of-sale to now customer service.
Driven by machine learning and technologies such as algorithmic intelligence and Chatbots, consumers are now enjoying a more personalized experience with customer service, while also obtaining the answers they seek on everyday queries.
This shift was reinforced by a recent DeviceBits survey, presented to more than 2,400 consumers across the U.S. where two-thirds said they would be interested in utilizing a self-service format for customer service. In response, brands may have no choice but to head in this direction.
A similar survey found that 28% of brand marketers said their customer support requests increased between 11-15% last year, with another 28% saying support levels increased 5-10%.
“The growth in digital channels, coupled with the desire to provide an opportunity for consumers to obtain customer service anytime, anywhere, means self-support automation will only grow in importance,” said JC Ramey, CEO of DeviceBits. “For brands, this automation will not only increase customer satisfaction levels, but the machine-learning environment will offer opportunities to increase cross-sale potential for satisfied customers.”