Patrick Hong, Warehouse Operations & Logistics Manager at NCIX says “NCIX is all about innovation, and offering more service options for our customers who can now enjoy the ultimate flexibility of picking up their items when and where they want.”
InPost lockers are accessible 24/7 and the self-serve pick-up process takes under 10 seconds to complete. In addition, shipping directly to an InPost locker is a more efficient delivery method for NCIX, offering significant savings over home delivery.
“Customers want options, and more options results in a decrease in cart abandonment, increase in basket size, order frequency, and revenues. InPost’s lockers do all of that, plus our service costs less than a traditional courier.” Says InPost Canada CEO Tony Jasinski.
In addition to offering significant cost savings to retailers, InPost’s locker network improves the convenience of picking up and returning parcels for consumers across Canada. There are over 1000 locker locations planned for Canada by the end of 2017 and 200 locations in operations across the Greater Toronto Area. These locations are under site agreements with major retailers such as 7-Eleven, Loblaw, Petro Canada, and the Toronto Parking Authority
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. InPost Parcel Locker’s self-serve pick up/return process takes under 10 seconds to complete.