“Bringing these two great companies together significantly strengthens our competitive position not only in Canada and the U.S., but also in Europe, Asia, and Latin America,” commented Anthony Molinaro, Managing Partner of The Logit Group
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. “It’s a win-win for clients and employees of both companies.”
Guided by a single leadership team, the combined company boasts a broadened service offering domestically, while extending its global reach by incorporating Cido’s international focus as a separate division.
Cido President, Tim Sinke, was named Chief Operating Officer of the combined company, while Logit co-founders Anthony Molinaro and Sam Pisani, along with Paul Molinaro, were named as Managing Partners. Cido’s founder and Managing Director, Roland Klassen, will continue as an advisor, making his knowledge and expertise available for internationally-focused clients.
“We’ve always respected Cido as a high quality research and data collection organization, so when the chance arose to bring our two companies together, we moved quickly to seize the opportunity,” said Sam Pisani, Managing Partner of The Logit Group. “We look forward to exciting times ahead.”
Terms of the transaction were not released.
Founded in 1997, The Logit Group is now the largest independently-owned research execution company in Canada offering the international market research sector a full range of data collection services. Logit has operations Toronto, Montreal, and Wichita, Kansas.
Founded in 1994, CIDO Research Americas provides a full complement of data collection services in North America and around the world through operations in Toronto, Sudbury, London (Ontario), Montreal, Calais (Maine) and San Jose (Costa Rica).
Both The Logit Group and Cido Research Americas are Gold Seal Research Agencies of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association.