According to several studies, research continues to prove that Canadians love their flyers. Yet within the current distribution model retailers face many barriers including non-targeted delivery, high waste, lack-luster presentation and dwindling newspaper circulation.
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. Each week, retailers looking to deliver a better reader experience will participate in the program along with a weekly editorial lifestyle magazine published by St. Joseph Media, publisher of award-winning brands such as Toronto Life and FASHION Magazine.
“We’re excited to present this new flyer delivery model for Canadian retailers that is cost-effective and provides a great consumer experience, tapping into Canadians’ affinity for flyers and high-quality editorial,” says Tony Gagliano, CEO of St. Joseph Communications. “Over the last 12 months, we have worked to develop and create the ultimate model that addresses what’s lacking in flyer delivery in Canada today: a compelling, relevant, targeted, differentiated, timely – and affordable solution.”
Inspiration for Best Life comes from the desire of Canadian retailers to deliver an improved consumer experience for their flyers and marketing collateral. Best Life is that vehicle that removes retailers from a cluttered delivery environment and across a consumer’s doorstep via Canada Post delivery.
Studies confirm printed flyers remain popular with Canadian consumers. Recently the company’s Strategic Content Labs conducted an online study for some specific insight. The findings include:
75% of respondents somewhat/strongly agree that flyers are an important source of shopping information
80% would read the magazine
66% would notice the package more than other types of flyers
Notably, the concept scored well with those who don’t currently enjoy receiving flyers.
The first Best Life package will hit Canadians’ mailboxes for a controlled test in the London, Ontario market on April 27, 2018.