TORONTO — The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) honoured Royal LePage and its analytics partner Environics Analytics (EA) with a pair of prestigious gold and bronze awards for a data-based marketing campaign, “Your Perfect Life.” In addition, EA clients Whirlpool and Branded Cities were recognized with silver and bronze awards at the 50th annual CMA Awards Gala held November 25th in Toronto.

All three companies received awards in the inaugural Data Marketing category sponsored by Environics Analytics, which recognizes innovative, creative and exemplary applications of data and analytics in the development of marketing programs. While EA sponsored the award and was a member of the judging committee, the company did not judge any entries it worked on.

In launching “Your Perfect Life,” Royal LePage sought to differentiate itself from other real estate companies with a unique and compelling user experience. The web application enables potential homebuyers to look beyond houses by providing insights into neighbourhood lifestyles. The application, which also earned a bronze award in the Experiential and Innovative Media category, leveraged market research, segmentation and analytics provided by EA.

The campaign exceeded expectations, with the company website experiencing a 73% year-over-year jump in traffic

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. “‘Your Perfect Life’ has become a go-to resource for house-hunters,” says Phil Soper, president and CEO of Royal LePage. “We’re honoured to receive the first gold award in the CMA’s Data Marketing category.”

“Analytics rarely takes centre stage in a marketing campaign, but this award demonstrates just how powerful data can be when it’s given a smart and innovative outlet,” said Jan Kestle, president of Environics Analytics. “With Royal LePage, we were able to develop the insights that extended its offering to homebuyers and helped make it a leader in the real estate industry. We’re thrilled with how well this campaign resonated with homebuyers.”

The CMA also recognized two other campaigns that leveraged EA’s data and services. Whirlpool Canada’s “EveryDrop Water Filter” campaign won two silver awards, one in the Data Marketing category and another in the Direct Engagement (Direct 1:1 & Loyalty) category for consumer products. With Whirlpool, EA helped at every stage of its campaign, from analyzing and segmenting refrigerator customers to developing the marketing lists and conducting the post-campaign results analysis.

Meanwhile, Branded Cities, formerly Clear Channel Canada, took home a pair of bronze awards for its “Street Furniture Planning Tool” campaign: one in the Data Marketing category and the other in the Direct Engagement (Direct 1:1 & Loyalty) category for business products and services. Using EA data, Branded Cities created the tool to help its customers select transit shelter media based on their ability to reach a target audience. The tool, which is unique in the industry, delivers both measureable reach and improved return on investment.

Presented each year, the CMA awards are open to both members and non-members in 54 categories, including Advertising, Digital, Direct Engagement, Integrated, Experiential and Innovative Media, Promotion/Shopper Marketing and Community Engagement. Judges evaluated hundreds of submissions from across Canada and in all marketing disciplines, with the best submissions moving on to a second round of judging conducted by a panel of 16 top marketing and advertising professionals. In selecting award winners, judges considered business objectives, creativity in campaign development and measurable results.

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