OTTAWA — As Canada celebrates its 150th anniversary, Statistics Canada is getting ready to publish the latest chapter in the story of our country and its people. The first results from the 2016 Census of Population will be released next week.
The population and dwelling counts will be published at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time on February 8, 2017, on our website.
The unprecedented response to the census allows Statistics Canada to publish high-quality information for use by all Canadians for decision-making.
Released at the same time will be two Census in Brief articles, which will examine current population trends that are relevant from a public-policy perspective. The first will look at both the largest municipalities in 2016, and the fastest growing municipalities in the country between 2011 and 2016
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. The second will focus on municipalities that saw population declines between the 2011 and 2016 censuses.
The story of Canada, as seen through the 2016 Census, will be told in words and pictures, through infographics and videos. The Focus on Geography Series will also present population and dwelling highlights through short texts, tables and figures for various levels of geography. These include Canada, the provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations, census divisions and Canadian municipalities (census subdivisions).
Over the coming months, Statistics Canada will continue to release results from the 2016 Census of Population, and provide an even more comprehensive picture of the Canadian population, ranging from income, ethnicity, language, immigration to demographic shifts. Please see the 2016 Census Program release schedule to find out when data and analysis on the different topics will be released throughout 2017.