“We hear from clients and see in the work we deliver that organizations everywhere are focused on becoming customer-centric, digital organizations,” said Matthew Kuckuk, CGI’s Data Analytics Global Practice Leader and author of Data to Diamonds. “In their digital transformation initiatives, business and IT executives want to evolve the role of data from a raw material asset to a generator of increased value through the creation of data-based products, services, information and insight.”
Now in its second edition, Data to Diamonds integrates the insights from the latest digital transformation trends with the analysis of thousands of client engagements to identify priorities for the data and analytics industries. These priorities include integrating data silos to create new enterprise views, marrying information to the product and service development cycle, harnessing sensor data to better run and change organizations, and using customer data to improve the digital customer experience.
“Customer and citizen actions speak louder than words,” said Kuckuk. “Given the rapid pace of technology innovation, customers today have higher expectations for instant gratification—they are real-time obsessed and expect a seamless experience, across all interactions and channels with the commercial organizations they buy from or through the services they receive from government organizations. For large enterprise organizations, delivering on these expectations is complex as they need to connect data across lines of business and legacy systems
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. That’s why we focused in Data to Diamonds on showcasing case studies that are practical and proven.”
Whether applied to predictive elevator maintenance, setting car insurance rates, guiding guests to the best theme park experience, or analyzing rush-hour traffic patterns, Data to Diamonds details CGI’s methodology and how its consultants help organizations worldwide realize the value of information, which lies in its use and application by consumers. The book cites examples from a variety of industries including financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, distribution, government, energy and utilities, and communications and media.
“If getting insights from data analysis is good for an organization’s internal purposes, it is even better when insights are shared securely across its ecosystem with customers, partners, and other key stakeholders,” added Kuckuk.