RBC launches two Canadian-first digital solutions through industry leading mobile app

TORONTO–RBC is the first Canadian bank to introduce two new value-added features through the RBC Mobile app, making the everyday banking experience even better for clients. RBC customers can now add a new bill payee by taking a photo of their bill as well as lock and unlock their debit card right from their mobile phone.

“We’re doing more to deliver on our promise to innovate where it matters most and use technology that helps our clients in their everyday lives,” said Peter Tilton, Senior Vice President of Digital, RBC. “Mobile is now our primary digital channel and that’s in large part because we understand common pain points and work hard to create simple and convenient solutions to improve the banking experience, and make life’s to-do list a bit easier to manage.”

Scan and Add Your Bill More Easily
RBC personal and business clients can now easily add a new bill payee by taking a photo of their bill or uploading their e-bill. Leveraging RBC’s artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, this new feature uses the device’s camera to scan and interpret the salient features of a bill required to add a payee and complete the transaction successfully. This reduces the amount of time needed to set-up the initial payment and enhances the client experience.

Lock Your Debit Card Anytime
RBC clients no longer need to worry about misuse, or the hassle of replacing a lost debit card. Clients can now lock and unlock their debit cards in real time with a simple touch. While the debit card is locked, purchases and ATM transactions will be blocked while pre-authorized transactions and mobile wallet transactions are not interrupted. This feature is available for personal banking clients and builds on the success of credit card lock. Since its release last summer, hundreds of thousands of RBC clients have relied on credit card locks to give them peace of mind and control over their cards.

“As we continue to evolve our products and services, we are committed to getting to the heart of our clients’ needs and delivering solutions that are right for them.” said Sean Amato-Gauci, Executive Vice-President, Cards, Payments and Banking, RBC. “We focus on exceptional, convenient and secure experiences like the innovations we are announcing today.”

The RBC Mobile app is available on iOS and Android

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Royal Bank of Canada is a global financial institution with a purpose-driven, principles-led approach to delivering leading performance. Our success comes from the 84,000+ employees who bring our vision, values and strategy to life so we can help our clients thrive and communities prosper. As Canada’s biggest bank, and one of the largest in the world based on market capitalization, we have a diversified business model with a focus on innovation and providing exceptional experiences to our 16 million clients in Canada, the U.S. and 33 other countries.

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