Victor G. Dodig, Dr. Leila Fourie, Jim Marous, and more to be announced, join the agenda of payments and technology leaders at Canada’s largest payments conference

OTTAWA–Payments Canada welcomes top payments, fintech, technology and business leaders to this year’s annual conference taking place May 14-16. This year, The SUMMIT will open with an interview with president and CEO of CIBC, Victor G. Dodig, and feature leading industry experts discussing hot topics including artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, internet of things, cybersecurity, modern payments and more.

“As payments evolve in Canada, we’re bringing together industry trailblazers at this year’s SUMMIT to tackle the biggest issues and opportunities in payments,” said Justin Ferrabee, COO of Payments Canada.This is just the first of many announcements regarding our highly influential roster of speakers and topical presentations, panels and discussions that will take place at The SUMMIT, as we aim to inform, inspire and rally Canada’s payments ecosystem.”

The SUMMIT provides an opportunity for the payments industry to connect and understand the future-state of payments, where Canada fits in the global ecosystem, and how the modernization transformation will impact us as a nation, as an industry and as individuals.

Notable speakers in attendance at The 2019 SUMMIT will include:

Dr. Leila Fourie, CEO of Australian Payments Network and serves as the NSW vice president of the Economic Society of Australia.
Jim Marous, financial services influencer & futurist and recognized authority on disruption in the financial services industry. (pictured)
Karen Webster, CEO of and one of the world’s leading experts on emerging payments.
Faisal Khan, banking and payments consultant specializing in cross-border money transfer and co-host of weekly payments & fintech podcast, Around the Coin.
Paul Parisi, President of PayPal Canada and payments industry veteran.
Chris Hamilton, CEO of BankservAfrica, Africa’s largest automated clearing house

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Mark Blucher, President and CEO of Central 1.
Greg Wolfond, CEO of SecureKey and serial entrepreneur in the fintech, security and mobile solutions industries.
Additional content and speakers will be announced in the coming weeks. Subscribe for news and updates about our growing agenda.

This year’s conference is expected to attract 1,800 industry leaders, innovators and challengers from over 400 companies spanning the globe. The three-day event will be held in Toronto, Ontario, at the Beanfield Centre from May 14-16, 2019. Members of the Media are invited to attend. For details and registration information, visit

Payments Canada ensures that financial transactions in Canada are carried out safely and securely each day. The organization underpins the Canadian financial system and economy by owning and operating Canada’s payment clearing and settlement infrastructure, including associated systems, bylaws, rules and standards. The value of payments cleared and settled by Payments Canada in 2018 was more than $52 trillion or $209 billion each business day. These encompass a wide range of payments made by Canadians and businesses involving inter-bank transactions, including those made with debit cards, pre-authorized debits, direct deposits, bill payments, wire payments and cheques. Payments Canada is a proud supporter of the Catalyst Accord and the 30% Club.

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