Veem Modernizes Outdated International Payment System Through VeemRewards

SAN FRANCISCO–Veem, the simplest possible way for businesses to send money around the world, celebrated reaching 100,000 customers in 96 countries, by launching a first-of-its-kind rewards program, VeemRewards. The VeemRewards program gives businesses cash back for managing their business payments through Veem and ditching outdated bank wires.

VeemRewards allows businesses to earn rewards for sending international payments, invoicing new customers, and adding new businesses to their supply chain. Similar to the rewards built on credit cards, now rewards are available on a whole new paradigm. No other global payment processor has created a similar program.

“We’ve never seen a program like this for international business payments,” said Stuart Rosenfeld, Founder of Indow Windows

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. “Veem Rewards have helped us move our customers along the path to digital payments, allowing us to streamline our receivables. By depositing our VeemRewards, we’ve been able to offset our banking costs, and reduce our overall customer transaction costs. It’s game changing.”

“International bank wire technology hasn’t been updated since the 1970s, small businesses deserve a better user experience, less expensive payment processing, and efficient systems,” said Marwan Forzley, Veem Founder and CEO. “We’re disrupting outdated bank wires and slow international payments with our payments platform and VeemRewards is the next stage of that disruption.”

Veem continues to grow its user base, currently in 96 countries, and expanding its verified global network to deliver the best business payments platform on the market.

Veem is a global payments company built for businesses. We enable users to send and receive payments in local currency through our unique multi-rail technology and intuitive dashboard.

Founded by a world-class team of industry veterans with over 100 years of combined experience in payment processing, Veem’s mission is to revolutionize the legacy financial payment system using disruptive technologies such as blockchain, and build a new user-centric financial ecosystem that services global businesses in their international endeavors.

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