Study shows Canadian half-hourly media consumption including social media, search, Netflix, Apps and gaming
PRESS RELEASE: Toronto, ON — RealityMine, a leading global provider of mobile market research technologies and consumer analytics, in partnership with Ipsos Corp. MediaCT, today shared data from Touchpoints Canada 2015 – the most comprehensive analysis of Canadian media consumption ever launched
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The TouchPoints Canada data provides a unique look at the Canadian media consumer:
Out-of-Home and Radio consumption ranks the highest media usage throughout daytime;
47% of digital newspaper consumption is taking place from a tablet and 36% via computer;
TV is the dominant media device used in Canada, accounting for 31% of all time spent weekly. Computer usage ranks a close second at 30% of all time spent. Mobile or smartphone usage was third at 16.5% of all time spent;
Netflix, DVD-Blu Ray and YouTube consumption follows the same pattern as television in their surge of evening consumption. Not surprisingly, Search and App usage were most prevalent during working hours;
On an average day, social media is used by 35-39% of the population, with the oldest segments of the population being the less likely to use social media and the youngest the most likely;
Social media is consumed similarly in locations and with accompanying media in French and English Canada. TV is more commonly used in English Canada, while newspaper has a higher daily usage with Social Media in French Canada;
Almost half of Mobile usage occurs primarily in the home, with work, stores and food service locations being the next primary locations for mobile usage in that order.
TouchPoints, which has the ability to survey emotional state as well as media consumption behaviour, found that overwhelmingly Canadians feel contented or happy throughout the day when consuming media. French Canada reported emotional contentment through 55.7% of its media time, compared to 48.5% of English Canada and just 44.5% of those in the United States.
TouchPoints is the only syndicated consumer insights and cross-platform research product designed to inform integrated communications strategy, planning and execution.
TouchPoints provides rich, single-sourced behavioural data that addresses questions as to when, where, and how media is consumed, along with who the person is with, how they are feeling and what they are doing – while consuming that media. The survey consists of a seven-day electronic diary (ediary) that requires respondents to record activities and media consumption in half hour time periods, an online self-completion questionnaire about lifestyle and general media habits, as well as passive capture of respondents’ behaviours as measured through their digital devices.
The TouchPoints Canada study was launched by RealityMine in conjunction with Ipsos and more than 30 agencies and media companies including GroupM, IPG, Carat and CBC. The group formed a Client Advisory Council that worked with RealityMine and Ipsos to develop the study.
Lloydmedia, Inc is based in Markham, Ontario, Canada, and is a multi-platform media company which delivers a total audience of more than 100,000 readers across four national magazines, three industry directories, and a range of events and online marketing.