PRESS RELEASE: EDMONTON — PATTISON Outdoor Advertising, Canada’s largest Out-of-Home advertising provider and a leader in airport advertising, today announced that it has been awarded the advertising program contract for Edmonton International Airport (EIA). The recently expanded airport is the fifth-busiest in Canada and is expected to welcome nearly 8 million passengers in 2016 while offering non-stop connections to 60 destinations across Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, Mexico and Europe
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“Providing Edmonton International Airport and advertisers with high-quality products, highly-visible advertising displays and impeccable customer service will go a long way in strengthening our partnership,” said Brian de Ruiter, Vice President and General Manager, Prairie Region of PATTISON Outdoor Advertising. “We are pleased to begin this agreement with EIA, and in dramatic fashion with the launch of the stunning Lexus Tower Wrap, and look forward to providing the airport with state-of-the-art digital advertising solutions and enhancing the travelling public’s experience in Edmonton.”
“With this agreement, Edmonton International Airport will now offer higher-quality, more modern digital advertising opportunities that can better reach our nearly 8 million passengers and millions of guests and others that come through our doors each year. At EIA, all advertising and other airport revenue is reinvested into airport customer services and building air service for our region,” said Myron Keehn, Vice President of Commercial Development for Edmonton International Airport.
Airport advertising is a highly targeted medium, with the ability to engage a desirable consumer group made up of a higher-than-average income demographic, and the Edmonton audience is particularly attractive to many advertisers:
44% have visited local art galleries, museums, historic sites or science centers in the past year*
51% have attended local festivals in the past year*
41% have visited restaurants/resto-bars/pubs in the past 7 days*
Are more likely to spend money on jewellery, clothing and footwear, and toys/games than the general Edmonton population*
72% more likely than the general population to have used an automotive car rental service**
29% more likely than the general population to likely purchase/lease a vehicle within the next 12 months**
Lloydmedia, Inc is based in Markham, Ontario, Canada, and is a multi-platform media company which delivers a total audience of more than 100,000 readers across four national magazines, three industry directories, and a range of events and online marketing.