CardinalCommerce unveils shopping cart plugins to improve card authentication practices, reduce fraudulent transactions and protect independent retailers from losing an est. B in online sales
Cleveland, OH – In preparation for one of the busiest online shopping seasons in history, CardinalCommerce ( today announced it is making eCommerce authentication available to thousands of independent retailers, entrepreneurs and emerging businesses, for the first time providing the same high-level of fraud prevention as the world’s largest Web-based storefronts.
Retailers do as much as 30 percent of their annual sales during the busy holiday season; last year 81 percent of them saw an increase in online sales (NRF). Overall, 2016 eCommerce sales are expected to grow by as much as 19 percent over last year’s holiday shopping season, representing up to $98 billion in sales (Deloitte). Digital sales are predicted to surpass 10 percent of total retail sales for the first time in 2016 (eMarketer).
As online sales increase, fraud remains a serious danger in the U.S., but transactions wrongly declined due to suspected fraud — known as a “false positive” — represent an even bigger threat. According to industry analyst firm Javelin, 15 percent of all cardholders (an est. 33 million adults) have experienced a false decline, representing an annual decline amount of almost $118 billion in sales. Unfortunately, a false-positive decline can seriously erode customer loyalty and may push many consumers to abandon the retailer, believing it is a shopping cart issue.
The new shopping cart plugins give independent online retailers access to the CCA platform used by most major online retailers. Specifically, the new plugins help retailers in three key ways:
Liability management. Use of CCA shifts the liability for all transactions processed through the platform from the retailer to the card issuer. This is especially critical to retailers of high-value products, for whom one or two fraudulent sales can have a significant impact on their bottom line.
Ease of set-up. Cardinal’s new shopping cart plugins can be installed in as little as 30 minutes, with minimal technical know-how. Merchants can simply add a few lines of code to their existing shopping carts to launch the CCA platform on their back-end.
Scalable and automatic. The CCA platform is entirely seamless and scalable, so merchants can leverage the technology and rely upon it to automatically scale-up no matter how many transactions they manage
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. The new shopping cart plugins are also available for most of the leading eCommerce carts including Magento, AspDotNetStorefront, ProductCart, LaGarde StoreFront, PrestaShop and Miva.
“We want to deliver our first-in-class Cardinal Consumer Authentication technology to all retailers across the country, from sole proprietors to mid-size companies, through turn-key shopping cart plugins,” said Mike Keresman, CEO, CardinalCommerce. “Now every merchant regardless of size can access the very latest in authentication technology to protect themselves, ensure an excellent customer experience and grow their businesses this holiday and beyond.”
The new CardinalCommerce platform is available immediately. For more information, including integration guides and instructional videos, visit:
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