TORONTO — Environics Analytics (EA) President and CEO Jan Kestle has been elected vice-chair (finance & audit) of The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) for the 2017-2018 term. The announcement was made during CMA’s May 25 annual general meeting

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An active member of CMA for over 25 years, Kestle was elected to the CMA board in 2016. “I am delighted to serve as vice-chair of the CMA board of directors,” said Kestle. “CMA is providing leadership to marketers in this period of disruption and redefinition of marketing. I look forward to working with the stellar board team led by Chair Chris Stamper and the expert CMA staff members in this exciting time.”

CMA is Canada’s leading marketing association with members drawn from all business sectors and all marketing disciplines, channels and technologies. CMA members drive investments in media and new technologies, promote industry thought leadership, growth, development and education, and advocate on key policy issues, including privacy standards and regulatory measures.

“CMA’s board of directors represents Canada’s most influential and experienced senior executives in the marketing profession,” said Doug Brooks, president and CEO of CMA. “We truly value the expertise and governance our Board provides to shape the future of marketing in Canada.”

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