FUNDRAISING SUPPLEMENT | Case study: Interactive Intelligence

Interactive Intelligence campaign efforts help donate more than 500 goats to impoverished communities

Interactive Intelligence Group partnership with Oxfam, has helped donate 524 goats to impoverished communities worldwide

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The donation is a result of the Interactive Intelligence Goat Giveaway, an ongoing campaign initiated in 2011 that offers a goat to a needy individual or family in exchange for an in-person appointment with a prospective business customer.

“Goats are very hardy, providing fertilizer and food for a family for years,” said Amy DiPaola, director of marketing operations and events for Interactive Intelligence. “As a result, these gifts play an invaluable part in helping rural communities throughout Africa, Asia, India, and other impoverished areas create sustainable, self-sufficient futures. I want to thank everyone who has agreed to meet with us as part of this campaign, and in so doing has made the world a better place.”

Donations are used to support Oxfam America’s efforts around the world. Oxfam America is a global organization working to right the wrongs of poverty, hunger, and injustice. As one of 17 members of the international Oxfam confederation, it works with people in more than 90 countries to create lasting solutions to poverty.

To participate in the Interactive Intelligence Goat Giveaway campaign, visit

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