Aeon, as a group, operates in 13 countries with 440,000 employees and a consolidated operating revenue of ¥8,177 billion (C$102 billion) It is especially dominant in the hypermarket sector in Japan and Malaysia, operating across retail, shopping center developments, financial services and other service businesses.
Aimia will provide data and analytical services to Aeon Retail using its leading edge platform known as Self Serve
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. Self Serve is a one-stop analytics and insights platform that uses customer and sales data to unlock deeper customer understanding. In line with Aeon’s stated strategy of getting closer to customers and leveraging its significant volume of data, it has selected Aimia as its partner of choice.
“To work with Japan’s largest retailer group is an excellent opportunity for Aimia. Aeon will be the biggest retailer group to use our world-class technology which is testament to its scale, depth and capability. Members of Aimia’s insights and analytics teams are on the ground working with Aeon Retail to embed Self Serve,” said David Johnston, Group Chief Operating Officer, Aimia. “It is an exciting first step in our partnership and we look forward to expanding how we help Aeon make business personal for its customers.”
This will be a firm base on which to expand Aimia’s strategic relationships in Asia Pacific, providing companies with proprietary platforms, strategic counsel and expertise across the retail, consumer packaged goods, financial services and travel industries.
This relationship will further deepen Aimia’s expertise providing customer analysis and insight to the grocery sector, which started with Sainsbury’s in 2007 and now includes clients such as CVS in the U.S., Migros in Switzerland, and Sonae in Portugal.