Analytics leader to power advanced data analytics to drive powerful customer insights    

TORONTO — Data-driven marketing and loyalty analytics company Aimia has turned to software solutions from SAS Canada, the leader in analytics, to power its advanced data analytics and modelling operations in Canada.

Aimia partners with companies to help generate, collect and analyze customer data and build actionable insights, through its own coalition loyalty programs such as Aeroplan, Canada’s premier coalition loyalty program, through provision of loyalty strategy, program development, implementation and management services; and through its analytics and insights business

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“This renewed partnership with SAS is a key part of our strategy to deepen and broaden our data analytics capabilities to the benefits of our clients and members.” said Michael Poyser, Vice President, Analytics, Americas Coalitions. “Our ability to generate customer insights from data analytics enables us and our partners to make smarter business decisions and build relevant, rewarding and long-term one-to-one relationships with consumers.”

SAS leads in advanced analytics market share (per IDC) and is a leader in agile business intelligence, according to Forrester, and is poised to remain at the top.  IDC identified SAS as the top supplier, owning 33.3 percent market share of the 2014 advanced and predictive analytics market, more than twice that of the next-closest competitor. In addition, the IDC report ranked SAS among the top five providers with the highest growth rates in advanced and predictive analytics software.

“As organizations increase their investments and reliance on data-driven marketing and analytics to fuel business growth, SAS’s advanced analytics software solutions can provide rich data insights to inform everything from marketing campaigns to supply chain management,” said Cameron Dow, President of SAS Canada. “SAS is excited to be partnering with Aimia, to help drive advanced analytics and modelling; these solutions will enable Aimia to build more models, more quickly supporting their goal of making business personal.”

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Lloydmedia, Inc is based in Markham, Ontario, Canada, and is a multi-platform media company which delivers a total audience of more than 100,000 readers across four national magazines, three industry directories, and a range of events and online marketing.