OAKVILLE–With the announcement that the latest global offer is “not good enough”, Direct Response Media Group (DRMG) is calling on the Government of Canada to intervene and end the continued strike uncertainty at Canada Post.
“This continued strike action at Canada Post will result in huge losses for small and medium-sized businesses across Canada in this critical holiday shopping season.” said DRMG’s CEO, Jason Bradbury.
Small business represents more than 30% of Canada’s GDP and employs nearly 50% of the country’s workforce.
For over 15 years, DRMG has been helping Canadians save, businesses grow and neighbourhoods thrive. DRMG has built their business with a commitment to being On Time, On Message and On Target. Customers are having a difficult time negotiating the challenges their businesses are facing as a result rotating Canada Post strikes, whether due to delays to the delivery of their products or missed expiry dates for their direct mail offers. In addition, small businesses rely on up to 50% of their cash flow by getting cheques in the mail
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DRMG is Canada’s largest direct mail marketing company helping over 17,000 small and medium-sized businesses across this nation generate business and retain customers.