Partnership provides bricks and mortar presence for Webware’s do-it-for-me website platform announced a partnership with Staples Canada that promises to disrupt the Canadian website market and make it easier than ever for small businesses and entrepreneurs to leverage the digital world to build their business. As part of the partnership, Webware will have staff onsite in Staples stores to educate and counsel business owners how they can enter the digital space and market to a broader audience.

Starting today, Webware staff will be onsite in four Staples stores in the GTA, including University Avenue, Front Street, Yonge and King Street, and Midtown Toronto

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. Over the next 18 months, Webware’s in-store presence will roll out in many Staples locations across Canada.

“For businesses to be successful online, they need more than a website. They need a robust online strategy that does not require a large investment of their time,” says Cory York, founder and CEO Webware. “In the last three years, Webware has helped more than 10,000 small business owners enter and grow a successful online presence. Extending our expertise in-store at Staples will enable us to help even more business owners lever the digital space to take their business to a new level.”

“We are very excited to welcome Webware as our digital partner,” says Gogi Grewal, Senior Vice President of Business Services, Staples. “We’re committed to providing Canadian business owners with business solutions that will make running their business as easy and successful as possible. Giving our customers, in-store access to Webware’s state of the art digital expertise and all-in-one technology platform will enable small business owners to stop worrying about their online presence and focus on their business.”

Webware’s full offering is available through Staples. is a complete digital toolkit designed to help small businesses easily navigate the online world. Webware’s technology and services are used by IBM, Kernels Popcorn, Staples Canada, and over 10,000 businesses across 400 cities in North America. With, a business has access to the technology and support required to get online and become successful. The toolkit includes a website and e-commerce platform, social media management, email marketing, blogging, search engine optimization (SEO), reputation management, and more. Visit for more information.

Staples Canada/Bureau en Gros was founded in 1991. The company operates over 300 locations across all Canadian provinces. Through its world-class retail, eCommerce, mobile and delivery capabilities, Staples helps customers shop every day, however and whenever they want. Staples is dedicated to offering customers the latest products and expertise on everything from technology to school supplies, facility, breakroom, as well as business services and print production through Staples Print & Marketing. The company invests in a number of corporate giving programs that support environmental, educational and entrepreneurial initiatives in Canadian communities.

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