Aite Group Assessment Highlights Melissa’s Approach to Verify Identity at Onboarding, Complementing Industry Mandate for Easy, Frictionless Banking

Melissa, a leading provider of global contact data quality and identity verification solutions, today announced availability of “Identity Verification: Successful Strategies to Minimize False Positives and Risk,” a new report commissioned by Melissa and produced by Aite Group. The paper explores the challenge of verifying identity without intruding on the customer experience, and the operational impact of false positives. Further, it addresses the need for next-generation solutions to help with identity verification (IDV) and presents Melissa’s approach to tackling these problems.

To better understand application fraud trends for both demand deposit accounts (DDAs) and credit cards, Aite surveyed executives from financial institutions (FIs) about their practices, perceptions and strategies, as well as 32 financial crime executives about pain points and planned technology spend. Given the size and structure of the research samples, the data provide a directional indication of conditions in the market.

Over 13 billion data records have been stolen or lost since 2013. Eighty-seven percent of those financial crime executives surveyed believe data breaches or phishing attacks are responsible for the bulk of digital channel fraud. Application fraud due to identity theft and synthetic identity fraud also play a substantial role. According to Aite, the combined impact of these attack schemes will cause more than US$2.7 billion in US credit card and DDA fraud losses through 2020

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“At the same time that the data breach threat rises, so do pressures on businesses to reduce or even eliminate friction from the customer experience,” said Julie Conroy, research director, Aite Group. “Today’s anytime, anywhere, 24/7 mindset has fueled consumer expectations for simplified yet elegant interactions with the brands with which they conduct business. The importance of ongoing investment in new technology cannot be understated. Data is the new currency and creating intelligence from data at scale can give firms a competitive edge.”

To address the dual challenges of reducing customer friction and mitigating fraud risk, FIs can leverage Melissa’s ID Verification technology which uses a multilayered process to access authoritative in-country data sets from all over the world containing billions of records to instantly validate an identity. The proofing process also includes national ID and age verification, and flags suspicious individuals who appear on any of dozens of Office of Foreign Assets Control and European Union watchlists to minimize risk and enable smarter decisions on next steps.

“When data quality is not part of the onboarding solution, the match between incoming identities and the repository relies on exact matching – an ineffective, error-prone practice that can result in myriad issues around KYC, or know-your-customer, and other regulations,” said Bud Walker, vice president enterprise sales and strategy, Melissa. “Melissa’s IDV solution works side-by-side with existing banking software platforms to increase match accuracy and reduce false positives, while ensuring the incoming data is valid and confirms the customer’s identity – effectively enabling new synergies between identity verification and positive customer experience.”

Click here to download the report. To connect with members of Melissa’s global intelligence team, visit or call 1-800-MELISSA.

Since 1985, Melissa has specialized in global intelligence solutions to help organizations unlock accurate data for a more compelling customer view. More than 10,000 clients worldwide in arenas such as retail, education, healthcare, insurance, finance, and government, rely on Melissa for full spectrum data quality and ID verification software, including data matching, validation, and enhancement services to gain critical insight and drive meaningful customer relationships.

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