Q4 report shows improved scoring among the metrics that confirm the legitimacy of campaign data, suggesting that media partners are evaluating how they deliver traffic.

Kochava’s latest (U.S.) industry ranking report of media partners suggests a significant improvement in the average click-to-install ratio, an important measure of the legitimacy of conversions. This highlights that the bar has been raised as to the integrity of data that top partners delivered from Q3 to Q4.

In mobile marketing, the success of an ad campaign is measured by ad clicks and installs, and the data generated from these is validated through the metrics of signal clarity, fraud, traffic quality, and correlation between clicks and installs.

“The Kochava Traffic Index report fills a void by giving marketers an objective reference against which to compare media partners. We’ve seen some significant changes among metrics and partners since Q3. Partners have been contacting us for assistance in how they can audit their data and improve their performance and ranking,” said Grant Simmons, Head of Client Analytics at Kochava.

Pinterest returns as the leading media partner in all four metrics with a strong signal (integrity of campaign data sent), low percentage of fraud, quality traffic, and correlation (statistical relationship between clicks and installs).

Leadbolt improved their ranking across three of the four metrics and are included among the top five media partners

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“The data and methodologies behind the Kochava Traffic Index help advertisers understand what they should look for in a media partner. Providing quality traffic at scale is our customer promise. We’re happy to see that by being true to our mission, we’ve improved our index metrics and are ranked among the top five media partners,” said Dale Carr, founder and CEO of Leadbolt.

Newcomer, Smadex by Headway, is on the top 20 index and is also ranked among the top five in the quality traffic metric.

“We are very proud to be joining the ranks of the Kochava Traffic Index and respect the impact the initiative has had on the industry. The Traffic Index has been instrumental in shining a light on platforms like Smadex, who are focused on transparency, clean media buying, building powerful algorithms and investing in innovations to constantly improve capabilities and results,” said Jordi de los Pinos, CEO at Smadex by Headway.

The most significant observation from the Q4 report was the decrease in the click-to-install (CTI) ratio as compared to the Q3 report. CTI, the metric showing how many clicks occurred before a customer converted (installed the app), is a measure of users interacting with ads. The higher the CTI rate, the less realistic (and likely more fraudulent) the interaction. The decrease since the Q3 report indicates a considerable improvement in media partners delivering more reliable data. In Q3, the CTI rate was 83:1, in Q4 it was 48:1.

“In an ecosystem that has been infiltrated with ad fraud, this index spotlights the good traffic that prevails in spite of it,” Simmons said.

The Kochava Traffic Index is free to download, visit: https://www.kochava.com/kochava-traffic-index/

Kochava Inc. (www.kochava.com) offers a unique, holistic and unbiased analytics platform to plan, target, engage, measure and optimize media spend. The Kochava platform for mobile and connected devices combines potent features and global coverage with thousands of network and publisher integrations, allowing advertisers to target audiences and measure campaign performance with precision. Real-time customizable visualizations give users fluid access to a full spectrum of data points, providing robust segmentation capabilities and real-time actionability. Yielding the most powerful tools in the ecosystem, Kochava is chosen by top brands across industry verticals to measure the largest and most sophisticated ad campaigns.

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Lloydmedia, Inc is based in Markham, Ontario, Canada, and is a multi-platform media company which delivers a total audience of more than 100,000 readers across four national magazines, three industry directories, and a range of events and online marketing.