“Imagine if every Canadian was rewarded for every ad they saw online.”

BRAMPTON–Loblaw Companies announced the trial launch of a new service that harnesses the power of its PC Optimum loyalty program to provide customers with more relevant advertising and reward them for the simple act of seeing those ads while they browse popular Internet sites.

PC Optimum is one of the nation’s best-loved loyalty programs, providing personalized offers and more than $1 billion each year in rewards to its more than 18 million Canadian members

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. This new service will be trialed for a select group of members, providing them with an easy way to earn additional points.

Historically, PC Optimum has provided product offers and ads to customers through Loblaw web channels and emails, based on their previous purchases within the company’s store network. This approach will now be used to deliver more relevant ads to members, on behalf of trusted consumer-brand advertisers, as they browse the web or use social media – in places where they already see ads.

“Loyalty programs have historically provided benefits to customers, rewarding them for the information they provide to a company,” said Uwe Stueckmann, SVP, Marketing, Loblaw. “We’re extending that same idea to advertising. Our members will see more relevant ads while browsing online and we will reward them for allowing us to use their data and advertise to them.”

Canadians who use the Internet can routinely see thousands of ads each day. Many of those ads are directed to them personally based on their online information and activities – a process that is mostly invisible to those individuals. Loblaw is committed to giving customers transparency and more control over how their personal information is used. Customers will be informed of the plan to serve them online ads on behalf of a trusted advertiser. These ads will include a visible identifying mark or logo associated with PC Optimum. And, individuals will receive PC Optimum points when they are included in these advertising campaigns. As set out in the Loblaw Privacy Policy, customers can always opt out of receiving this type of advertising.

“This isn’t about seeing more ads. By informing, signaling and rewarding customers we are giving them a choice. They can start getting relevant ads with actual rewards, or they can opt out and just get the ads they already see online today,” said Stueckmann. “This is an exciting trial that could very well change the landscape in favour of customers. Imagine if every Canadian was rewarded for every ad they saw online.”

Loblaw is committed to protecting the privacy of customers’ information. It will conduct and measure these advertising campaigns without selling or providing customer personal information to advertisers.

Loblaw Companies Limited is Canada’s food and pharmacy leader and the nation’s largest retailer. Loblaw provides Canadians with grocery, pharmacy, health and beauty, apparel, general merchandise, financial services, and wireless mobile products and services. With more than 2,400 corporate, franchised and Associate-owned locations, Loblaw, its franchisees, and Associate-owners employ approximately 200,000 full- and part-time employees, making it one of Canada’s largest private sector employers.

Loblaw’s purpose – Live Life Well® – puts first the needs and well-being of Canadians who make one billion transactions annually in the companies’ stores. Loblaw is positioned to meet and exceed those needs in many ways: convenient locations; more than 1,050 grocery stores that span the value spectrum from discount to specialty; full-service pharmacies at more than 1,300 Shoppers Drug Mart® and Pharmaprix® locations and close to 500 Loblaw locations; PC Financial® financial services; affordable Joe Fresh® fashion and family apparel; three of Canada’s top consumer brands in Life Brand®, no name® and President’s Choice®; and Canada’s top loyalty program PC Optimum.

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