From left to right: Tracie Ryll, Dieter Lucius (winner), Sue Lucius and David Wilson
EDMONTON–Dieter Lucius from Edmonton, Alberta, has won 50,000
AIR MILES Rewards Miles from Goodyear Canada Inc., an AIR MILES Sponsor for over 25 years, and is the only tire manufacturer to offer AIR MILES Reward Miles on tires and related mechanical services.
The contest was open to all Canadian AIR MILES Collectors who purchased Goodyear tires or mechanical services from October 1 to December 31 , 2016. There was one (1) grand prize of 50,000 AIR MILES, two (2) prizes of 25,000 AIR MILES and ten (10) prizes of 10,000 AIR MILES Reward Miles.
The contest received more than 112,000 entries, all AIR MILES Collectors who swiped their cards at one of approximately 255 participating Goodyear Tire & Service Network locations across Canada. Dieter has been bringing his family vehicles to the 97th Street Fountain Tire store in Edmonton for over 10 years. Fountain Tire store owner, David Wilson, was thrilled to have one of his great, longtime
customers win this nation-wide contest! Dieter is considering redeeming the AIR MILES for a cruise, amongst other things. We look forward to hearing how he redeems his AIR MILES!
“At Goodyear, we’ve been helping people drive to fabulous destinations across the world for nearly 120 years. So, we wanted to deliver an exciting opportunity for our customers to continue do just that with this contest,” said Lauren Masse, Customer Marketing Manager at Goodyear
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. “The possibility of winning enough AIR MILES Reward Miles for a trip for two to virtually anywhere in the world created genuine excitement online, and in store, amongst our customers, and the feedback from dealers and staff was energizing. We are very proud to provide our Goodyear Tire & Service Network Retailers with the opportunity to reward their loyal consumers with AIR MILES Reward Miles. These retailers are some of the best places in Canada to purchase innovative Goodyear tires and expert mechanical service.”