The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) ( has recently released revisions to its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice to help Canadian marketers maintain high standards of professional conduct and strengthen their knowledge of compliance requirements.

John Wiltshire
“Marketing has the power to transform business,” said John Wiltshire, president and CEO of the CMA. “The CMA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice helps marketers realize the economic benefits of their work and provides the knowledge to maintain high standards of conduct and ensure greater consumer confidence.”
One key aspect of the Code revisions is a new section on best practices in agency search, developed by agencies and brands through a collaborative process. These best practices address the need for companies to clearly articulate budget and scope at the outset of a request for proposal (RFP) process, including appropriate financial disclosure, limits on speculative work, non-disclosure rules and debriefing practices
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The CMA has created an “Agency Search Toolkit” for agencies and clients to help navigate the RFP process. The toolkit includes the following items, which will be released throughout the summer:
> Blog describing the initiative;
> Principles of agency search;
> Application of principles to searches in the not-for-profit sector;
> Application of principles for searches for PR agencies; and
> Preparing an effective procurement brief.
Other changes to the Code reference evolving best practices in cannabis marketing, environmental citizenship and promotional contests.
The CMA’s Ethics and Standards Committee is continuing to review the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. A second set of updates is expected to be released later this year.
The following chart, compiled by the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA), compares some of the key provisions of Canada’s privacy law with the new California privacy law. Both have extraterritorial application. A more comprehensive chart is available to CMA members at Prepared May 30, 2019.