How FUSE retooled for the tech, digital, social and XM era
FUSE is not the agency we were when we started out 13 years ago. Today we’re all about data and insights that drive both conversation and conversion for top Canadian brands. And while we work in any medium; our love of technology and innovations leads us to focus in digital, …

Enhancing experiential marketing tactics with integrated mobile
There has long been a divide between old and new, or traditional versus non-traditional, in the marketing industry. The two schools of thought constantly battle it out to decide whose approach will have a greater impact on marketing success in any given industry. Can’t we all just get along? …

Increase your social media following with Instagram marketing
Are you advertising your business on Instagram? Yes? Good! The reason why Instagram is so popular among businesses is that it not only helps create awareness of your products and services but also helps boost your traffic and sales faster than a lot of other marketing channels. In fact, Instagram …