By Debbie Major
It almost goes without saying that when there are innovations there are, alas, growing dangers. It is not coincidental, then, that two top trends for 2019 focus on creating retail experiences and on stepped-up security and privacy.
Experiential shopping
The essence, in theory, of this marketing innovation is making your product or service a lasting impression in your consumers’ minds will ultimately sell more than the product/service itself. It becomes all about the experience and the ease for the consumer to buy from you: and evoking an emotion from them. As an example, a family member recently went for a haircut at a barber shop. The experiential part was he enjoyed his haircut while sipping a 12-year-old Scotch.
This type of win-win situation is on the rise. As a marketer we see the connection to sensory marketing and the need to consider it in the revenue model moving forward.
The Emerging Canadian Retail Trends for 2019: Technology, Partnerships and Experiential Concepts article in the March 13, 2019 issue of Retail Insider shows that companies are moving beyond their core expertise
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. The article, written by Larry Leung, looks at Vancouver, B.C.-based retailer MEC. The firm has new venture called MEC Adventures. It is a travel tour group that brings customers to different international locales, such as a trek to the base camp of Mount Everest. The goal is to encourage customers booking a trip online to visit MEC to purchase their gear. Mall operators are also offering experiential concepts to attract customers with pop-ups, temporary exhibits (also see last month’s DM Magazine) unique restaurants and even theme parks.
The Retail Insider article walks us through today’s version of a consumer omnichannel experience of combining desktop, mobile, telephone and bricks-and mortar formats into the sales cycle. A new cycle might look like this: a consumer searching for an item online, then calling the store to reserve the item for review, next they apply credit and then from the store have the item shipped to their residence. That way they can continue shopping in the store or mall easier with less stress of carrying previous purchases around. Seamless, convenient and pleasing to the consumer is the new theme.
The only limitation for experiential marketing becomes the creatively of the entrepreneur; it is an even playing field for businesses of all sizes. The challenge becomes determining what experience the consumer is looking for which leads to a great environment for testing.
Moving forward I see the trend of protecting the client data and serving memorable experiences to the customer staying at the forefront. I believe it garners the largest opportunities for revenue growth over the next short-to-medium term for direct marketers.
Security and privacy carry equal weight in 2019 and will remain one of the top trends for the foreseeable future, which is why DM Magazine rightfully is focusing on them in the next issue. Canadians are used to hearing about potential and actual data and privacy violations. They have occurred at all levels of business, government and in our everyday lives for many years now.
As marketers we have a vested interest to help our clients utilize and leverage insights they gather or have appended to their current data in accordance with current governance. Technology will definitely help monitor this process and we know it is constantly evolving.
All businesses will require increased budgets for these evolving security and privacy requirements. They include such items as cyberattacks and active shooter and anti-money laundering (AML) insurance. Globally we wait to see the impacts of security threats, and security and privacy regulations, to social communication platforms and how the outcome may affect the platforms in the future. Some of the things I would think that would have to be reviewed would be how the platforms are used, monetized and monitored and how the information is stored or shared.
An article published in, Security Trends Your Company Needs to Embrace in 2019 on November 23, 2018 was written by Celu Ramasamy, CEO of Blockgenic, who states: “New technologies are always slightly ahead of the security designed to protect them. Whether it’s blockchain, supply chains or cyber security, the potential for devastating hacks is high.”
His security trends include:
Predictive cyber protection gets a boost with artificial intelligence (AI). Diagnosing and understanding security in real-time;
Self-evaluating applications will continue to evolve. For human operators, it is not always easy to detect small vulnerabilities in massive networks. RASP (runtime application self-protection) software on the rise;
The authentication revolution. Biometric verification, two-factor authentication and other methods have started replacing passwords;
Perspectives changing on data security governance. Understanding the best practices for governing data and ensuring its security is paramount to safety;
and BYOD (bring your own device) will continue expanding and adding security challenges. Accounting for every user’s security standards is a logistical nightmare for IT departments.
Yes, it will be costly for business to replace their older platforms and systems of collecting and holding information. But the cost of not providing security and privacy means potentially losing the client relationship.
So, what is the message for marketers? Adopt promising new methods like experiential shopping but do so anticipating that criminals will try to harm your business. With the right tools, and vigilance, your innovations can benefit both you and your customers.
Debbie Major is president, Data Direct (