By Dave Hart

We lost a good one recently.  If you ever ordered a list for mailing or telemarketing from CBI/InfoCanada over the last 22 years, there is a good chance that you spoke with Tim Maher.  Sadly, Tim lost his battle with colon cancer on Feb 8, 2015, just 4 days past his 50th birthday which was ironically World Cancer Day.

Tim was a good man.  Tim was a great father to 17 year old Brendan and 13 year old Kyra.  Tim graduated Trent University with a BA in Pol Sci and English.  Somehow he translated that into a 22 year career at InfoCanada.  When not flogging lists to the DM community, Tim was a coach and mentor to so very many young and first-time hockey players, which was reflected in the enormous number of young faces at the Celebration of Life in Oakvillle on Feb 21

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Tim will be greatly missed by all of us, whether we dealt with him daily or just once…whether we were related to him or just were fortunate enough to have called him a friend.  RIP, friend, father, coach, mentor, business associate.  We will forever miss that smile and infectious laugh

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