Put CX leaders in the business driver’s seat
BY PAUL HAGEN AND DIANE MAGERS Today’s enterprises have two choices: Evolve their customer experience (CX) or get left behind. To grasp the depth of the problem, look no further than the retail sector. Last year, roughly 7,000 brick-and-mortar stores closed up shop, according to a report by FGRT, cited …
The future of fundraising is digital
Digital marketing for nonprofits requires message, audience and context focus BY KIM ARSENAULT There is one crucial factor that determines your donor retention rates and engagement when trying to scale success as a non-profit and that is communication. If we look to the future of fundraising, there are many changes …

CMA: How charities can leverage their advantages and methods
Canadian Not-for-Profits (NFPs) are facing growing demands for their services. These organizations are always looking for more support, but with an increasingly informed donor-base, NFPs need to utilize all of the resources at their disposal and change the way they appeal to Canadians to achieve their goals. Engaging effectively through …

Marketing & Fundraising: mixing the ultimate gin & tonic
BY MAEVE STRATHY Imagine you are a fundraiser going into a meeting with marketing and they have a BIG IDEA. It’s a good one. And then they say, “You can fundraise with this, right?” This is definitely not what we would call integration of marketing and fundraising. But it’s what …

Mail less, raise more
BY STEVE FALK Here are some industry slogans you won’t likely see promoted: Drink less wine — a message from local vintners. Keep your old car longer — brought to you by your local car dealers. Use less mobile data as it can wait until you’re home — the cell …

Boosting email success with telesales
A proven low-tech solution for your next email campaign BY LEIGH-ANN CLARKE There will be an estimated 139 billion business emails sent and received this year, according to the Radicati Group. Breaking this statistic down even further, the average office worker sends 40 business emails and receives 121 business emails …
Time’s Up: Can Ad Agencies Put the Past Behind Them?
By Stephen Shaw Now that customer experience trumps media advertising, brands need marketing partners who will help them think differently. To stay in the game, ad agencies will need to reinvent themselves. “It is the work of advertising to make customers – not just sales.” – Magazine Ad for N.W. …
NAMMU: Canada Post kicks serious issues down the road
BY PATRICK BARTLETT Public Services Minister Carla Qualtrough announced the government’s decision on the Canada Post review on Jan. 24, 2018. The highlights included termination of the Community Mailbox conversion programme, development of an enhanced accessibility program for individuals with accessibility issues, promotion of remittance services and exploring the …
Retailers make gains in mobile commerce
Retailers must think like eCommerce companies to survive and grow BY JEREMY GILMAN What was once every marketer’s nightmare — the sight of someone pulling out their phone in a retail store to price-compare online (a.k.a. showrooming) — is actually not as jarring as one might originally think. In this …

The great individual vs. geodemographic data debate
Why your customer data may not be enough. BY LARRY FILLER As an industry veteran committed to helping organizations leverage data for better decision making, I am often reminded of the great Yogi Berra’s remark: “It’s déjà vu all over again” when I hear marketers debate the benefits of …