TORONTO–AdvisorStream is pleased to announce the appointment of U.S
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. financial services technology innovator Edmond Walters to its board of directors.
AdvisorStream is one of the fastest growing marketing automation SaaS platforms for financial advisors in North America – leveraging its proprietary real time content curation process, digital communication platform and fully integrated content licensing partnerships allowing access to many of the world’s most credible publishers content (including Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Bloomberg, Forbes, New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, The Globe & Mail and many more).
“AdvisorStream already serves hundreds of firms across North America and has a fantastic, rapidly growing reputation,” says Mr. Walters. “I’ve been following their product and growth over the past several years and I’m excited to join them as they prepare for their next giant step forward with RIAs, Broker Dealers and their Advisors across the United States, UK, Europe, and Canada.”
Walters previously served as CEO and Founder of eMoney Advisor, a web-based planning system used by some 55,000 advisors that was acquired by Fidelity in 2015.
Previously, Walters spent more than 20 years in the financial services industry and was the founder of Wharton Business Group, a financial advisory firm based in Villanova. An icon in the financial services industry, Walters has become instrumental in the development of tools in the advisor technology space, currently serving on the board of Aretec, the parent company of Cetera Financial Group. Walters also serves on the board of InsPro Technologies Corp.
“We are privileged and thrilled to have Edmond with us for the next stage of our company’s growth,” says AdvisorStream CEO and Founder Kevin Mulhern. “With his deep expertise in providing innovative advisor enabling technologies, a track record of growing great companies and the ability to understand what tools give advisors the ability to excel – we are well poised to bring another wave of AdvisorStream innovation and results to financial advisors at broker dealers and RIAs across the country.”