KETTERING, Ohio and MISSISSAUGA, Ontario — After years of success in serving U.S. automotive retailers with data-driven, fully managed digital marketing, advertising, and web services, Naked Lime Marketing now has launched services for the Canadian automotive market.
Specifically, Naked Lime now offers its award-winning Aptus Websites as well as digital advertising, SEO, social media, and reputation management services for automotive retailers in Canada.
“Beginning last year, we started preparing for this launch by gathering insight from dealerships in Canada and working with our pilot customers to tailor our services to their business needs and the needs of the Canadian market,” said Chris Walsh, vice president at Naked Lime. “Everyone at Naked Lime is looking forward to the opportunity to help Canadian dealerships better manage their online presence, while generating more leads and attracting more customers to their stores.”
Walsh added a hallmark of the Naked Lime brand is its unique twist to delivering its services.
- Complete: From sales to service, Naked Lime has the customer covered.
- Human: Dedicated Naked Lime specialists coordinate and manage each service on behalf of automotive retailers.
- Results: Each Naked Lime service has built-in metrics and reporting to evaluate performance.
Naked Lime’s services are built to work for any dealership, regardless of dealer management system, customer relationship management tool, or website provider.
“Automotive retailers recognize it’s important to have a strong online presence to capture consumers’ attention and attract them to the dealership,” said Walsh. “They also recognize how difficult it can be to stay on top of the latest digital technologies and trends
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. That’s where Naked Lime comes in. Our specialists have a proven track record of delivering the best possible digital services so dealerships can focus on what they do best – selling cars and serving customers.”