Environics Analytics has announced the second installment of its 2015 data update, including the latest statistics on demographics, daytime population, liquid assets, lifestyles and media preferences. The updated datasets follow the initial release of 2015 data on March 30, providing users with the most comprehensive and up-to-date set of marketing-related data available in Canada.

EA’s latest data update covers six authoritative databases, including DaytimePop, AgeByIncome, LiquidAssets, PRIZM5 QC, Opticks powered by NADBank, and DemoStats, with current-year estimates and projections for three, five and ten years into the future. (See list below for specific DemoStats categories updated.) The databases are integral to the strategic planning and forecasting that many organizations undertake to understand their changing users, members, customers and markets

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. Combined with the earlier data release, users now have access to the latest statistics on more than 16,000 variables across a wide range of topics, including media usage, marketplace behaviours, leisure activities and finances.

“With this update, our customers can be certain that they’re getting the most reliable information available for their marketing and planning efforts,” says Jan Kestle, founder and president of EA. “These data make marketing campaigns more relevant and allow organizations to reach more of the right customers with the right message using the right channel.”

Updated Data Now Available in DemoStats:

  • Household Population by Income (Current Year)
  • Household Population 25 to 64 Years by Educational Attainment
  • Household Population by Age at Immigration Household Population 15 Years or Over by Industry
  • Household Population by 5-Year Mobility
  • Household Population 15 Years or Over by Place of Work
  • Household Population 15 Years or Over by Method of Travel to Work
  • Household Population by Religion
  • Household Population by Aboriginal Identity
  • Household Population by Knowledge of Official Language
  • Household Population by Language Spoken Most Often At Home
  • Household Population by Recent Immigrants and Place of Birth
  • Household Population by Period of Immigration
  • Household Population by Generation Status
    Occupied Private Dwellings by Condo Status, Tenure and Structure

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Lloydmedia, Inc is based in Markham, Ontario, Canada, and is a multi-platform media company which delivers a total audience of more than 100,000 readers across four national magazines, three industry directories, and a range of events and online marketing.