EA has been working with Cleanlist since November 2016, when it formed a strategic alliance with the London, Ont.-based company. Since then, EA customers have gained access to best-in-breed data quality services and contact data, which includes the more than 15 million households in Cleanlist’s ResponseCanada compiled database, as well as more specialized lists for prospecting, verification and research
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. At the same time, Cleanlist customers have received increased access to select EA data, including the PRIZM5 segmentation system, as enhancements to its consumer lists.
“Today’s companies need data that is high quality, clean and comprehensive to make decisions and solve their business challenges,” says Kestle. “Our partnership with Cleanlist has helped us deliver broader solutions for our clients by collaborating with a company that shares our commitment to rigorous methodologies and quality products.”
Jeff Bisset, the president and co-founder of Cleanlist, thanked EA for the award. “We’re honoured to be recognized as Partner of the Year by Environics Analytics,” says Bisset. “At Cleanlist, we believe that great analytics combined with great contact data provide the ultimate solution for marketing challenges. We’re gratified that our collaboration is helping our clients gain deeper insights to help their customers.”
The Client of the Year award was presented at EA’s annual user conference, which this year attracted nearly 700 participants representing a variety of industries including not-for profit and public sectors. With a theme of “Analytics In Action: Informing Decisions, Achieving Results,” the day-long event featured 16 client case study presentations, a keynote address by public opinion researcher Michael Adams on “Canada in the Age of Trump and Brexit,” and demonstrations of data-based business intelligence tools, such as EA’s popular PRIZM5 segmentation system and the newly enhanced ENVISION5 analytics platform.