Designed to use customer, loyalty and transaction data, as well as a variety of marketing databases, ENVISION5 features new workflows and tools that enable users to classify their best customers, find the most promising prospects and develop marketing campaigns at the national, regional and local level. The easy-to-use yet powerful cloud-based platform provides a wealth of consumer data and the most complete package of geo- and segment-based routines available for customer insights, site evaluation and media planning.
“ENVISION5 has been designed to analyze customers and markets the way our experts do,” says Jan Kestle, EA’s president and founder. “Built on decades of experience and lots of input from users in a variety of sectors, the newest edition provides increased functionality, interactivity and usability. And with the new ENVISION5, users will be able to complete their analysis faster than ever before with preselected workflows for importing data, selecting the right analytical tool and presenting the results.”
Drawing on Canada’s most comprehensive set of demographic, marketing and media databases, ENVISION5 delivers EA’s popular segmentation system, PRIZM5, its latest DemoStats database and links to SocialValues and other important media and marketing research. Its responsive design makes ENVISION5 tablet and mobile compatible.
“With only a few clicks, marketers and analysts can create customer segments, design an optimal media mix, evaluate sites and personalize messaging,” says Kestle. “But ease of use should not be confused with simplicity
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