PRESS RELEASE: Montreal — Aeroplan today unveiled that members can now use the new Aeroplan app as an easy and convenient way to book flight rewards using their Aeroplan Miles

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Customers with iOS, Android and Blackberry mobile phones may now download the app from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store and Blackberry App World.

“We know it’s increasingly important for our members to have useful travel tools when they’re on the go, and making our app available for flight reward bookings is another step in our efforts to bring more value to members,” said John Boynton, Chief Marketing Officer, Aeroplan.  “Our goal is to bring our members’ journey to life, to help members get the flights they want, to where they want to go, faster.  Whether on a bus or in an airport, all our members need to book a flight reward is a smartphone, and now they can also do that on Android, iOS and Blackberry.”

Here is how it works:

  1. Under the ‘Use Your Miles’ section, select ‘Book a Flight.’ A Flight Rewards search form will appear.
  2. Select desired City/Airport location and select date field. Click ‘Done’.
  3. A list of potential itineraries will populate showcasing both of Aeroplan’s travel options: Fixed Mileage Flight Rewards (limited number of seats exclusively offered to members on Air Canada and Star Alliance) and Market Fare Flight Rewards (access to any seat, at any time, on all Air Canada flights based on market fares at time of booking).
  4. After you select a flight, a Trip Summary Page will appear.
  5. The member is then prompted to enter passenger details, contact information and payment entry information.
  6. Booked!

Flight Reward bookings can be made for both roundtrip and one-way flight rewards.

In addition to booking flights, the app also includes the following functionalities:

  • Goal-setting functionality – This feature is designed to help members set their goals in the program and help them reach their dream goal faster (whether it be a travel goal or a merchandise goal);
  • Account management – Members can view their account history, transactions, Aeroplan status etc.;
  • Partners and Promotions listings;
  • Partner locator map that pinpoints partners where members can earn miles based on members’ exact location;
  • A digital Aeroplan card that can be scanned to collect miles at Aeroplan partners (Partners with retail point of sale capability only);
  • Contact section including Air Canada Altitude status priority contacts.

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