Consolidated portfolio of broadcast networks to accelerate innovation and collaboration across platforms
TORONTO–Corus Entertainment Inc. has made what it calls enhancements to its executive leadership team and business operating structure which are designed to accelerate advancement of its strategic priorities to own more content, engage audiences and expand into new and adjacent markets, and to strengthen its position as Canada’s largest pure play media and content company.
“These changes are an important milestone in our ongoing transformation of Corus,” said Doug Murphy, President and Chief Executive Officer, Corus Entertainment. “They underscore our commitment to continuously optimize Corus’ powerful portfolio, with a structure built to increase focus on winning with our media business in Canada and growing our content business domestically and internationally. Today’s announcement brings new opportunities to our talented team and creates value for our audiences, clients and shareholders as we position the company to explore new opportunities.”
“The tangible results of our plan are starting to emerge,” Murphy added. “Winning schedules on Global and our specialty networks this past fall, the strides we’re making in content production, digital, and advertiser-buying innovation, and the launch of new lines of business are all contributing to our momentum” he said. “We are doing the right things to optimize and maximize what Corus does best as we build for the future.”
The new organizational structure includes the following ELT changes:
Troy Reeb has been promoted to Executive Vice President Broadcast Networks and joins Corus’ ELT. This new portfolio brings all of Corus’ broadcast networks under one umbrella to facilitate innovation and collaboration across its TV, Radio and digital platforms. In addition, regulatory and government relations will report jointly to Mr. Reeb and Corus’ EVP and General Counsel, Dale Hancocks.
Colin Bohm becomes Executive Vice President Content and Corporate Strategy. In addition to his current leadership of strategy and business development, Mr. Bohm’s role now includes oversight of Corus’ original content teams, including Nelvana, Corus Studios, Kids Can Press and Toon Boom. This will maximize strategic growth opportunities for Corus content, both domestically and internationally
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Greg McLelland, Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer, will expand his role to include marketing and Corus’ Social Digital Agency (so.da), in addition to his current leadership of sales, content distribution, research and consumer insights, and data and advanced advertising. Mr. McLelland’s team will be aligned on maximizing audiences and revenue, and exploring new opportunities for creative production, both for our internal brands and our clients.
Other members of the Corus ELT and their accountabilities remain unchanged, including John Gossling, EVP and Chief Financial Officer and Cheryl Fullerton, EVP People and Communications.
Corus Entertainment Inc. is a media and content company that creates and delivers high quality brands and content across platforms for audiences around the world. The company’s portfolio of multimedia offerings encompasses 44 specialty television services, 39 radio stations, 15 conventional television stations, a global content business, digital assets, live events, children’s book publishing, animation software, technology and media services. Corus’ roster of premium brands includes Global Television, W Network, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network Canada, HGTV Canada, Food Network Canada, HISTORY®, Showcase, National Geographic, Q107, CKNW, Fresh Radio, Disney Channel Canada, YTV and Nickelodeon Canada.