Unaddressed mail as point of first contact prospecting tool
In this ever-changing world, we continue to see new prospecting tools, but there is a staple that many marketers continue to rely on and that is direct mail. Of course, direct mail takes on different forms, ranging from targeted, unaddressed pieces to parcels that demand attention, simply based on size. …

Sector Report: The List Business
The Canadian list business has experienced significant disruption since the beginning of the new millennium, both from economic and regulatory perspectives. The passing of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) in 2000, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)’s introduction of the National Do Not Call List …

U.S. customers eager to buy online from Canada
One retailer details how U.S. purchases have played a big role in the company’s success Fred Pritchard tapped a small vein of online gold a few years back when the company he works for, Golda’s Kitchen, stocked a cooking accessory popularized by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver. U.S. shoppers were clamoring …

Doing social media right
Social media has had a large impact on direct marketing strategies. As companies began to recognize the importance of social media as a communications tool and saw the data and hypertargeting abilities that come with it, marketing roles started to change. Many entry-level marketing roles now consist solely of social …

Twelve million solutions to building a sales-driven culture. One real story.
Twelve million, one-hundred thousand results, to be exact. That’s how many direct hits on sales culture best practices come up on Google in less than one second. It seems there are loads of solutions to the age-old problem of how to get sales people to sell more. Like the latest …

When do culture and ethnicity matter in marketing?
Having worked with a wide range of clients over the years, my colleagues and I at Environics Analytics have seen multicultural marketing go from “everyone’s talking about it but nobody’s doing it,” to “a lot of people are talking about it and some are actually doing it.” That’s positive news, …

Driving car sales with data-based market analytics
There are few tougher markets for selling new vehicles than Toronto. With its mix of young renters, culturally diverse suburbanites and wealthy older families, the Greater Toronto Area is very complex, hyper-competitive and much different from other parts of the country. No one knows that better than Jason Easton, General …

High-value direct mail generates huge response for unlikely products
Spray foam insulation gets a sexy makeover; moving big rigs with postcards If you were to ask Betsy Cosper, vice president marketing at Icynene, if direct mail generates excitement for her business, she would say “absolutely. And, who knew this could happen to spray foam?” Cosper, an experienced marketing …

Case Study: Brewster Travel Canada & Envoke
Brewster Travel Canada turns to Envoke to bolster online sales and lead generation One of the oldest travel companies in Canada, Brewster Travel has been based in Banff, Alberta for more than a century. We now serve over 1.4 million customers each year in Banff and the Canadian Rockies …
TTAG Systems’ new SMS marketing add-on simplifies CASL-compliant mobile communications
Canada’s most disruptive text message marketing platform now helps companies to create better mobile marketing lists and be compliant with Canadian Anti-Spam regulation requirements. PRESS RELEASE: Toronto – January 13, 2016. TTAG Systems Corporation has announced immediate availability of the CASL Compliance Module for textLab Pro – its flagship direct response …