Enhancing the customer contact experience with AI
By Yishay Carmiel The federal government is betting big on artificial intelligence (AI), with the goal of making Canada a world-leading destination for companies seeking to invest in AI and innovation. Last year it announced that it was spending $125 million on launching the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, delivered through …
Why and when to use AI-based marketing modelling
By Richard Boire The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is the sort of thing that sets imaginations ablaze. To the general public, AI evokes images of everything from automated contact centres to advanced robots intent on global domination. It sounds futuristic, but to experienced analytics practitioners in marketing—and direct marketing …
The power of purpose-driven marketing
By Braden Hoeppner It’s no secret that there are incredible dollars available in the marketing industry. Digital marketing spend worldwide reached USD $209 billion last year while TV advertising reached USD $178 billion1. Celebrity sponsorships can be astronomical: exceeding tens of millions of dollars. It is staggering to see investments made to …
Profiting from sponsored content platforms
By Jerrid Grimm The key to advertising success has always been to tell great stories. And in recent years, many companies have translated this into developing sponsored content. In fact, 30% of global ad spending is set to be invested in native content by 2020, according to a …
Transforming visual communications with responsive design advances
By Paul Vincent The release of the first iPhone in 2008 and iPad in 2010 sparked massive growth in smartphone and tablet usage. This left web designers with a major challenge. Websites were designed for desktop, often with a one-size-fits-all approach. How would web design adapt to these new smaller …
Revolutionizing marketing with merging Big Data, AI and blockchain
Disruptive transparency-driven “democratized data” methodologies promise more accurate, accessible and economical direct marketing By Adam Mittelberg One of the biggest challenges marketers face is customer acquisition and retention. The key to both strategies is possessing the critical data that can help communicate effectively with the highest qualified contact possible and …
Reinventing customer service with AI chatbots
By Michael J. Martin Not long ago, chatbots were fairly basic. They were programmed to perform specific tasks, responding to straightforward command scenarios where information revolved around single turns. Many chatbots were used as online or search pop ups and could send only simple messages like “How can I help …
Enabling productive B2B marketing with human-assisted AI
This method can also spot revenue leaks By Caroline Japic If a unified view of the customer is important in consumer businesses, it’s even more crucial in business-to-business (B2B), where the relationship is everything. It’s harder to achieve, too, in a world where negotiation dominates sales interactions and relationships are …
Flipping your AI on-switch
By Paul Roehrig Marketing is at the front line of the AI revolution (surprise!) Marketers know artificial intelligence (AI) and digital technologies are impacting their work. The list of responsibilities is longer. The budgets are tighter. The opportunities are growing (but so are the risks). You have …
How will AI and Machine Learning impact direct marketing?
By Nick Sleeth From everything we hear and read today, it sounds like and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are going to make data more insightful and actionable. But the reality is that AI and ML are very complex and expensive technologies to leverage, if you include all …