Yesterday we reported that CPC provided us with letters outlining their response to our global offers, which we presented on July 1st, 2016. CPC’s letters stated that they reject our position and will withdraw their June 25th global offers “in their entirety” at the expiry of any 72-hour notice provided by either party. Last night at 11:47 PM, CPC filed its 72-hour notices of lock-out

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Today, the Negotiating Committee provided our written responses to CPC’s position concerning our global offers. In our letters, we describe the behaviour of CPC, which has led to the current situation. We also outline the positions of the parties concerning many of the major issues in dispute. These two letters can be found on the CUPW website at:

A time to unite together

We cannot predict, with certainty, what Canada Post will do next. Until now, the only plan they had was to bully and provoke the Union. That didn’t work. They tried to divide RSMCs from urban workers and temporaries from regular employees. That didn’t work. They tried to deceive the public about the real issues in dispute. That didn’t work. Now they are withdrawing their only offer and leading us to a lock-out.

The only thing we can predict is that CPC will attempt to provoke us into taking strike action to divert attention from the fiasco they have created.

The best way members can support us in negotiations is to keep informed, stick together, and show solidarity. With your support, we will achieve negotiated collective agreements that meet the needs of all postal workers.

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CPC says no and makes a threat

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Canada Post takes steps to respond to rapidly deteriorating business situation

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