The evolving business e-mail scams
By Robert Capps About 35,000 executives from some of the world’s biggest banks and mortgage companies never imagined themselves as being on a cyber hit list, until they were. Cybercriminals with hopes of tricking executives into money transfers embarked on a very professional business e-mail compromise (BEC) scam discovered by …

Why marketers must engage on cybersecurity
By Yves Paquette Although marketing professionals are naturally concerned about data confidentiality, data security is generally not very high on their priority lists mainly because they feel that it is the responsibility of other company employees. However, the recent introduction of stricter requirements in personal data protection legislation should make …

Understanding Trademarks Act changes
By Colleen Spring Zimmerman On June 17, 2019, Canada’s Trademarks Act changed, resulting in its modernization. Canada has now joined five international intellectual property treaties, including the Madrid Protocol, Singapore Treaty and the Nice Agreement, all related to trademarks. There has been a great deal of activity to get ready …

New directions, requirements to reduce fraud
By Ben Rafferty New guidance and compliance changes have been recently implemented aimed at reducing (and responding to) the growing data and payments fraud threats. Here are the most pertinent ones that Canadian contact centres should be aware of. Revised PCI guidance The Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI …

Engineering a security-conscious culture
By Michael DeSalles Let’s be honest: contact centre agent fraud, within captive or outsourced contact centres, represents one of the most significant security threats facing organizations. For example, one of the most common fraud practices is for a contact centre agent to change a customer’s postal address with the intent …

Combatting look-alike domains
By Jing Xie Cyberattackers use many methods to lure people into divulging their private information while online. One of the most effective ways is by creating look-alike domains that share some of the same characters in their URLs as legitimate domains. Malicious look-alike domains use many techniques to fool users, …

Investing in privacy and security
By James Smith Good companies talk about privacy and security; great ones back their words up with third-party audits. At the most basic level, audits establish trust. Submitting to a privacy and security audit is not something that should be done lightly. It involves countless hours of work and resources, …

CMA updates ethics code, practices, adds toolkit
The Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) (www.the-cma.org) has recently released revisions to its Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice to help Canadian marketers maintain high standards of professional conduct and strengthen their knowledge of compliance requirements. “Marketing has the power to transform business,” said John Wiltshire, president and CEO of …

Benefitting from music: ethically and legally
By Andrew Berthoff I have worked in marketing and communications for 25 years. And if there is one constant with all the changes, like the rise of the Internet, social media and smartphones, it is the powerful punch that music brings to brands. Whether music is used in a traditional …

A new way to manage consent and privacy
By Isabella De Michelis di Slonghello The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force in May 2018, has imposed a whole new framework for companies using personal data. Companies, in response, have started putting in motion IT strategies that protect their businesses from regulatory risks. Because the …