Understanding the Different Approaches to Segmentation
By Richard Boire In many of the seminars and courses in data mining and data science that I have delivered segmentation is always considered a core topic. But what does it really mean and how should be used in the context of delivering business value? The first task is always …

Reaching Recent Immigrants
By Howard Lichtman Every company faces challenges in attracting new revenue. The solution is actually obvious: growth lies in reaching new immigrants to Canada. Immigration is a growth strategy for the Government of Canada and so it should be for your business. The numbers speak for themselves: one in five …

Personalizing The Seniors Market
By Sean Taggart Seniors—Canada’s fastest growing generation—have become an increasingly important demographic group for marketers. Their population expected to grow by 50% over the next ten years, according to Statistics Canada. In fact, one-third of adult life is now lived after the age of 65. We spend 8,000 days between …

Moving to a Total Market Approach
By Niraj Sinha Over the last two decades or so, Canadian marketers have approached their marketing plans in the context of two distinct segments—the General Market or “mainstream”—and the Multicultural Market or “ethnic” (also referred to by Statistics Canada as “visible minorities”). While the mainstream has been largely considered to …

Is Your Marketing Plan Really Complete?
By Ishan Ghosh Putting efficiency over effectiveness is a trap into which many a marketer falls victim. But flipping that around confers powerful benefits. Did you realize that your brand could be part of the $154 per week South Asian’s shopping basket? Or that you can share the $136 per …

How Canadians Are Unique, What it Means for Segmentation
By Bryan Segal Today there is a wealth of advanced audience segmentation available that allows marketers to zero in on the most relevant potential customers. Utilizing advanced data leads to insights on your audiences and being able to bring those to fruition in your actual campaigns only drives success at …

Delivering Personalization at Scale
By David Yee Understanding the customer’s needs and behaviours, and pairing it with the right content, delivery channel and message, dramatically increases the odds the content will pique their interest. So, with technology playing a greater role in understanding consumer behaviour, it’s worth asking why so many brands still rely …

Decoding the Future: Interview with Mitch Joel
Interview with Mitch Joel By Stephen Shaw Mitch Joel is one of Canada’s foremost experts on digital marketing and a renowned podcaster, speaker and author. Just when most traditional companies are getting used to the idea of doing business digitally, a new wave of technology is coming that will put …

Customer Support Needs Video Too
By Sean Gordon The constantly shifting pace of communication requires companies to regularly explore new and creative ways of transforming their customer service experience. Using video is an absolute must in delivering the kind of service, including support, that customers will latch onto and continue coming back for. Fortunately, it’s …

How to Stand Out from the Crowd
By Kevin Deveau Standing out from the crowd is more important than ever for businesses. Market saturation, rising customer expectations, increased competition and growing regulatory requirements are motivating businesses to identify areas where they can improve on their customer engagement. Being able to directly market to customers, and provide them …