Big challenges, big opportunities
TARGETING & ACQUISITION | Big challenges, big opportunities CASL and Canada’s business list industry By Steve Slaunwhite You’re a marketer, not a spammer. You want to continue to reach your target market via email, but – through no fault of your own – CASL issues have decimated your lists …
Direct mail is alive and well
TARGETING & ACQUISITION | Direct mail is alive and well Images: noble-insurance-house-summer.tif; noble-insurance-house-winter.tif Direct mail is alive and well Perhaps working better for some than others By Dave Ward Direct mail is not dead, the tombstone has not been erected and the eulogy is far from being written. Yet, some …
Improving your single most important analytic
TARGETING & ANALYTICS | Improving your single most important analytic The importance of customer segmentation to business strategy By Brian Jones Segmentation in its simplest form is about putting customers into “like” groups. It’s truly one of the most powerful analytics. At the core of its strength is its ability …

Acceptance makes good small business sense
OPERATIONS & LOGISTICS | Acceptance makes good small business sense Large majority of Canadian merchants accepting credit cards say benefits outweigh costs By Kevin Gonyea The Canadian economy is built on a foundation of small businesses, and contrary to some suggestions, small business owners and operators who accept credit cards do …