Category: Marketer of the Year – Entrepreneur
Winner: Green Lotus

Catherine McGillivray and Bassem Ghali of Green Lotus.

Catherine McGillivray and Bassem Ghali of Green Lotus.

Green Lotus was founded by Bassem Ghali and has grown to become one of Canada’s top search engine marketing agencies.

Ghali’s innovative approach to making SEO accessible for marketers, small business owners and students has driven the development of several exciting recent product launches, with much more on the horizon.

This year Green Lotus launched Canada’s first SEO Tools for entrepreneurs to help small business owners and startups to get a handle on their SEO activities. The Tools can also scale to meet the needs of savvy internet marketers who manage multiple websites on daily basis and want to save time. The subscription service is competitively priced at as little as $20/month and has attracted nearly 1,000 users in the first nine months.

“The immediate plan is that we have translated the Tools into five languages – Russian, French, Chinese and Spanish, plus English,” says Ghali, when asked what’s next for his award-winning company. “We are going to go global next year, taking over those regions. We have a lot of advantages because we’re charging very little and we’re charging Canadian dollars. So we have a huge price advantage in those markets.

“The other thing is that we are targeting entrepreneurs across Canada and the U.S

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. now. Now we’re around 1,000 and we are working on growing our base to around 50,000 users. Within five years I think that will be a reasonable number.

“Finally, we are in development for Canada’s first hands-on SEO training. We already tested the course at Ryerson and the whole idea is how to bring SEO to marketing students. The need and the demand for SEO is huge but no one is teaching it.”

Other finalists in this category: Candybox Marketing and PATIO Interactive

This article originally appeared in the December 2015 issue of Direct Marketing.

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