Serving Chinese visitors

Excellent customer experiences critical By Michael Morin It pays to carefully market to and meet the needs of your customers. Especially if they are visitors from other countries with unique customer experience expectations. Your success at offering and meeting them will determine how much repeat and referral business you will …


Marketing child’s play

How custom segmentation helped achieve a 125% holiday email campaign conversion rate increase By Peter Boggs STEM toys are designed to get kids interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). But one national retailer discovered the skills taught by those toys can also play a role in sharpening a …


Customer service has evolved – is your business experiencing the benefits?

By Terry Rybolt Your customer service department is essential. So even though it’s a major cost you need a path that allows customers to get in touch after they purchased your products. But have you ever considered just how much the interaction between brands and customers have changed in recent …


4 ways AI helps improve the customer experience

By Christian Barckhahn Customer experience continues to be a key initiative for businesses to keep their competitive edge. But to deliver the best experience they need to thoroughly know their customers. While there’s no shortage of customer data the problem lies in analyzing it in an augmented fashion to gain …


The true value of customer journey mapping

By Stephen Shaw The growing number of channels and devices has made it hard for companies to deliver a unified customer experience across touchpoints. Journey mapping gives companies a fighting chance to tame the complexity and catch up to the rising expectations of customers. The practice of customer journey mapping …


Why CRM matters more than ever

The growing importance of CRM in the age of AI and IoT By Martin Schneider We are seeing the Internet of Things (IoT) change the way we interact with the items we use every day and with the companies that deliver to and through these devices. This disruption and transformation …


Complying with critical regulations

Contact centres face an “alphabet soup” of necessary rules and standards By Tim Critchley Complying with today’s data security and privacy regulations may not be at the very top of the “to-do” list for sales, marketing and customer service professionals. But for those who manage contact centres the times are …


How the GDPR impacts marketers

Challenging common misconceptions to understand Europe’s new privacy law By Cristina Onosé On May 25, 2018, the European Union (EU) implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR is the most significant new data privacy regulation to be introduced anywhere in the world in many years. Its new requirements …


How technology can help customer service

By Mike Thorne Striving to provide great customer service is the most important part of any business. It affects your bottom line, your reputation, referrals and repeat business. At JUSTJUNK we have developed key technological advancements to aid in constantly improving the customer service experience. Our online and front line …


How to deliver an impactful omnichannel experience

By Rebecca Martin Brand loyalty is cultivated when companies continually adapt to changing customer preferences. Today, those preferences rest largely on the availability of digital self-service options. Grocery stores now allow consumers to order items and pay directly from mobile apps, while ride-sharing services make it easier than ever to …