Ten Reasons Why Geodemography is More Relevant Than Ever

By Evan Wood In May 2011, DM Magazine featured a Q&A with Jan Kestle, the founder and president of Environics Analytics. The topic was geodemography and how this marketing science which had been around for 40 years continued to be relevant in an era of big data, rapid digital transformation …


The State of Martech: An Interview with Scott Brinker, VP Platform Ecosystem at HubSpot and Editor of Chiefmartec.com

By Stephen Shaw When the era of Big Data began in earnest a decade or so ago, marketing automation was suddenly seen by most businesses as indispensable. Gartner even predicted at the time that CMOs would eventually outspend CIOs on technology. And sure enough, technology now accounts for the biggest …


Taking Content to New Heights with Drones

Staff With the increasing demand for engaging content, there’s a company in Toronto called Door 24 which is helping Canadian businesses tell their stories from new heights. Through collaboration with City Hova Inc, a group of seasoned aviation professions with more than 80 combined years of experience in aviation, Door …


What Video Marketers Need to Know About Media’s New Currency

By Hank Frecon It’s estimated that digital advertising grew 12 percent over the last year, as many people were at home more during the pandemic. With billions being spent on trying to reach people as they watch videos, it only makes sense that marketers turn to new technology to advance …


10 Actions for Successful Transition to a (new) Leadership Role

By Angela Civitella Seeking the role of leader, no matter how large your team or whether you are starting a new job in a new firm or being promoted from within, is a challenging situation in the best of times. After all, no matter how you look at it from …


Ten Tips for Tackling Negative Customer Reviews

By Jay Hinman Ask any marketer today how he or she feels about customer complaints and there’s a good chance you’ll hear, “They’re never fun,” “They’re part of the job,” “There’s just so many of them,” or even, “We can’t make everyone happy.” Feedback that customer support and operations teams …


Always a Point

Whenever humans communicate there is always a reason, or point. Often the point is unconscious. (Part 3) By Tom Beakbane Educators, in order to make different subjects easier to teach, demarcate ideas in various ways. There are demarcations between disciplines, and ideas placed in the textbooks of different disciplines are …


The Moment of Payment is a Marketing Imperative

By Jason Cottrell After over a year of not touching anything — door knobs, items on a store shelf, other people — it’s perhaps no surprise that Amazon is trialing a new, contactless payment method that requires nothing more than the swipe of a hand in front of a sensor. …


Back to the Future: eCommerce and the Return to Instore Shopping

By Chris Apostle Will businesses return to offices, post pandemic? That’s a question on everyone’s mind. The flipside to this question in the eCommerce space is will consumers return to brick and mortar stores? No question they will, but how will eCommerce brands and platforms and their agencies, which have …


Acting On Purpose

By Stephen Shaw Coming out of this pandemic the time has come for every company to take stock of the role it plays in the world and define its true social purpose. But that job cannot be left to marketing alone — it demands a top down commitment to a …