The connected experience
Marketers have been slow to adapt to a post-campaign world where the old familiar rules of brand building are obsolete. To connect with customers today marketers must not only manage channel complexity, they must make the brand more relevant and central to their lives. In the late 1950s the Volkswagen …

Regional Report: Montreal
Checking in with direct marketing companies based in Quebec’s largest city Fundraising across Canada and around the world from Montreal Howard Golberg, president of Pinnacle Direct, has been at the helm of his pioneering direct marketing company for over 30 years. “We certainly have to think smarter and more strategically,” …

What personality is that billboard?
Clear Channel develops game-changing approach to selling outside ad space Imagine you’re a media buyer for a clothing store chain and you’re looking to buy outdoor advertising space in downtown Ottawa. You could take the easy route and turn to the usual suspects: well-known neighbourhoods like Sparks Street or around …

Q&A with Danny Heuman, Environics Analytics’ new chief analytics officer
Danny Heuman has been with Environics Analytics (EA) since day one and has recently been promoted to the role of chief analytics officer. Heuman was the lead developer of PRIZM CE, conducting the research that first linked psychographic social values with geodemographics. Since then he has led the development …

Anticipating client needs through optimization analytics
The financial industry sets an example of how to utilize optimization solutions to enhance customer experience and exceed business goals For years, companies have been working to deploy and optimize sophisticated analytics to better anticipate and accommodate their customers’ needs. In the past, analytics have served a vital role …
Your location says a lot about you
How EQ Works is using location data to extrapolate customer profiles Marketing based on a person’s location is not a new phenomenon. This has been a popular tactic for about as long as the marketing profession has been around. Fifty years ago, advertisers placing an ad in the New York …

Embracing omnichannel retail with cloud-based POS systems
A dramatic shift in shopping and retail is happening in the U.S., Canada and other countries. Driven by technological advances, the changes include consumers’ rising use of smartphones, the growth of online shopping and the emergence of new payment types like EMV cards and Apple Pay. Recent trends confirm the …

Crafting customer experiences in the 21st century
Today consumers have more choices and access to information than ever before. Endless possibilities emphasize the level of sophistication needed to tailor customer experiences in the 21st century. The new formula for success is now measured by how well retailers can personalize, customize, digitize and socialize. Personalization means communicating like …