Aimia releases latest Loyalty Lens Report

The Data Exchange Economy: Consumers willing to share personal data for a fair return But global report from Aimia shows businesses worldwide are failing to deliver on this exchange Eight in 10 (80%) consumers around the world are willing to share key pieces of personal information with brands.  Yet businesses …


It’s a great time to be a marketer: thoughts on the C2MTL Conference

It is always interesting to hear how CMOs from different sectors, and even other countries, are dealing with the new marketing realities of evolving customer demands, continuous technology innovations, and the ever increasing sources of information on the customer – data is now available from every consumer touch point. These …


Making business personal: using data to become a customer centric organization

Retail life used to be a lot simpler and being personal was a natural part of doing business.  Walking into your local butcher, you’d be greeted with not only a smile and a hello, but you’d also be told about the special new venison sausages that you loved and not …


DM Wrap-up: week of March 30

Customer, Serve Thy Self: New Study Reveals Millennials’ Desire for Self Service, Digital Interaction to Change Customer Service Forever Fifty-five percent of Millennials say that their customer service expectations have increased over the last three years, more than half have stopped doing business with at least one company because of …


Forging brand loyalty through social media

Loyalty marketing has radically altered in light of today’s digitally unfettered and empowered customers yet it remains a critical element in engaging individuals with a brand.   According to Colloquy’s 2015 research on loyalty, Canadian loyalty program memberships grew a healthy 8 percent from 120 million in 2012 to 130 million …


DM Wrap-up: news from the week of March 16

Air Canada Named Top Airline in Customer Loyalty Toronto, ON —  Air Canada has been named the leading airline in customer loyalty, according to Brand Keys 2015 Customer Loyalty Engagement Index® (CLEI). The 19th annual survey, conducted by independent marketing research firm, Brand Keys, measures a brand’s ability to meet …


DM Wrap-up: News from the week of February 2

Majority of Marketers Believe Marketing Needs to Undergo Dramatic Change Marketo and The Economist Intelligence Unit release report highlighting the impact of technology, the importance of managing customer engagement and the role marketers play in setting company strategy. A study of 478 senior marketers and CMOs from around the world …


Choosing the right data to get the best customer insights

The challenge facing CMOs since the dawn of marketing has been the need to understand their customers (both current and potential) and to set the direction of their business to respond to, engage with, and ultimately serve the requirements of their customers. Early CMOs spent their time speaking with and …


Loyalty to go

ENGAGEMENT & ANALYTICS | Loyalty to go Image: headshot Why mobile is the next frontier for loyalty programs By Mohammed Ghalayini, CEO Ovahi Inc. Customer behaviours have evolved at a pace that matches the speed and frequency of smartphone model releases.  The majority of Canadians own smartphones and have become addicted …


Customer Loyalty Data Efforts

ENGAGEMENT & ANALYTICS | Customer Loyalty Data Efforts Despite changes in technology, market forces and consumer behaviour, there is always one place to center data efforts where there is reasonable expectation of success — and that is on customer loyalty By Amy Bostock In August of 2012, the New York Times …